About Us

Tinuola International College was approved by the Ekiti State Ministry of Education.
The aims and objectives of the school among others include:
(i) to give a sound moral, intellectual, physical and social training to children; and
(ii) to bring up children who will be emotionally and academically upright.


To produce rectitude leaders through high quality, functional and sustainable education.


  • produce wholesome and educated students who would be sound morally, intellectually, physically and socially.
  • produce students who can compete favourably with colleagues at Local, State, National and International levels.
  • produce students who can demonstrate individual, collaborative problem solving and critical thinking skills.
  • prepare students for technological innovations and entrepreneurship.

Core Values

  • Integrity
  • Fear of God
  • Diligence
  • Honesty

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Uniques features of Tinuola International College, Ado-Ekiti

  • Professional experienced Teachers

  • Holistic education with excellent results

  • Electronic library and well equipped science laboratories

  • Functional ICT laboratory

  • Standard boarding facilities

  • Students' excursion and seminars

  • Regular counselling

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